Sir Richard Branson paid a visit to a Denver drug rehabilitation facility while in town for a press conference regarding Virgin ...
March, 2016
22 March
Supreme Court Chooses to Not Challenge CO’s Marijuana Laws
Nebraska and Oklahoma recently filed suit in the Supreme Court against Colorado. But the Supreme Court has declined to hear the ...
21 March
Poll: “The Only Drug Americans Want to Legalize Is Marijuana”
A new poll conducted by Vox and Morning Consult conducted this month show that Americans are for the decriminalization of marijuana. ...
18 March
5 Awesome Marijuana Strains That Will Induce Laughter
Improving mood and laughing is a great way to turn a frown upside down. Marijuana strains that induce laughter are ideal for anybody, ...
17 March
United Nations Meeting to Discuss Adopting New Drug Policies
A special United Nations session in New York is planned in April that will discuss the UN potentially adopting new global ...
16 March
Cannabis-Infused Vodka Now Available in Some States
Humboldt Distillery, in Humboldt County, California, has announced Humboldt’s Finest, their new cannabis-infused vodka. The vodka contains no THC, the psychoactive ingredient ...
16 March
$44 Billion: Expected Marijuana Economy by 2020
The marijuana industry continues to bloom throughout the United States, and a recent projection says that the industry could impact the ...
15 March
VT Could Be First State to Legalize Marijuana via Legislature
Vermont is underway to be the first state in the U.S. to legalize marijuana through the legislative process. If the law passes, ...
11 March
Why the Marijuana Movement Isn’t Funding Bernie
Bernie Sanders, although a spoken supporter of ending marijuana prohibition, is not receiving money from the marijuana industry for campaign efforts. ...
9 March
Legalized Marijuana Industry Starting to Diminish Cartels
As more states legalize marijuana for medical and recreational purposes in the U.S., Mexican drug cartels’ profits are starting to diminish. ...